Resources to get help with perimenopause and menopause symptoms
When we approach our mid-thirties we don’t all get handed a list of menopause and perimenopause resources. Or a pamphlet that walks us through the menopause transition, and tells us what to expect along the way. Wouldn’t that be nice.
Fortunately, such resources do exist – if you know where to look for them. And, if you’re looking for resources to help you talk to your doctor, learn about menopause and find support during the transition, I’ve got you covered.
This page includes a list of evidence-based resources to help you access support and learn about the menopause transition.
If you prefer your information in bite-sized chunks (with a side humour), and want practical tips to help you stay nourished during perimenopause and beyond, I invite you to sign up for my free newsletter.
Be sure to bookmark this page and revisit regularly as it will be updated.
Get Support During The Menopause Transition
Talking to Your Doctor
MQ6 – Menopause Management Tools
This website is intended to support healthcare professionals in supporting their patients during menopause – particularly those who may not have had the opportunity to receive training on menopause.
And yes, the ideal scenario is that all doctors graduate medical school with enough knowledge and education to support patients in perimenopause and menopause.
Since we are not there yet, this website can be shared with your doctor, particularly if you want to have a conversation about menopause hormone therapy and they are not up to date with current guidelines and recommendations.
There is a self-assessment tool you can complete to bring to your doctor’s appointment as a starting point in this conversation.
Find a Menopause Practitioner
The Menopause Society
The Menopause Society (formerly NAMS) has a practitioner database listing physicians, specialists and allied health professionals in North America who have a special interest in menopause. Some will have additional education in menopause as well. The database includes a list of practitioners who are members of The Menopause Society, and those with the Menopause Society Certified Practitioner (MSCP) certification (such as yours truly). Not everyone who’s practice focuses on menopause is listed here, but it is a good place to start.
British Columbia Virtual and In-Person Clinics: Menopause Hormone Therapy & More
For a variety of reasons, a conversation about menopause hormone therapy with your family doctor may not be possible.
These clinics have prescribers who can assess your individual risk profile for menopause hormone therapy, discuss potential benefits, and help you make an informed decision MHT or other treatment options.
- CAYA Health Centre (Vancouver): Physicians covered by MSP that offer episodic care related to women’s health, including menopause hormone therapy. Physician referral required.
- Westcoast Women’s Clinic (Vancouver): Physicians specializing in women’s health and menopause management. Extended health benefit plans and HSA coverage may be available under your plan.
- Speak with Penelope (BC, Virtual Clinic): Virtual clinic with nurse practitioners and therapists available for menopause hormone therapy, mental health, and lifestyle management of menopause. Extended health benefit plans and HSA coverage may be available under your plan.
- Alter Ego (BC, Virtual Clinic): Virtual clinic with a naturopathic doctor and registered dietitian available for menopause hormone therapy, diet and lifestyle management of menopause. Extended health benefit plans and HSA coverage may be available under your plan.
- Felix Health (Nationwide): Virtual clinic with physicians and nurse practitioners that can prescribe MHT under certain circumstances. Prescriptions shipped directly to your home in some cases, and direct insurance billing is available for those who qualify.
Know of any other clinics in British Columbia that should be on this list? Let me know and I’ll add them here.
Work with Me!
Stay Informed and Well Nourished
My mission is to help you stay informed about menopause and be well nourished so you can take on your world. If you think I’d be a good fit in supporting you, learn more about working together here.
Learn About The Transition with Menopause & Perimenopause Resources
The Menopause Foundation of Canada
I’ve listed this site first because I think it is the easiest to navigate and learn the key information that you need to learn, quickly. The Menopause Foundation of Canada has spearheaded a couple of key initiatives to help support women during menopause. This includes the landmark Canadian study on the stigma of menopause and the most recent Menopause Works Here campaign. There are also resources for general learning about menopause.
The Menopause Society
This website is for women and health care practitioners. The MenoNotes are particularly helpful for information about hormone therapy and vaginal dryness. Other resources are available to support you and your care provider. There is also a database to find a Menopause Society Certified Practitioner.
Note: The Menopause Society is formerly known as NAMS (for the North American Menopause Society), although they are currently still undergoing their rebrand, so the website is not completely updated. The term NAMS is still frequently used.
The Canadian Menopause Society
This organization focuses on knowledge transfer between menopause experts, other healthcare practitioners and the public. Their website includes information similar to The Menopause Society, with emphasis on Canadian content. There are many free, downloadable resources available for practitioners and the public.
International Menopause Society
Another organization that supports best practices for healthcare providers in supporting folks through the menopause transition. The IMS is working on a public facing website. Some of the early resources are available now on the current site.
Menopause Chicks PRIVATE Facebook Group
Shirley Weir is a menopause advocate and educator. In her private Facebook group there are extensive guides on many aspects of menopause and an opportunity to ask questions or see the responses to other group member questions. This is a large group that has clear ground rules for communication – there’s no spammy stuff here.
Note: Shirley is not a healthcare professional, but she is well-researched and provides evidence based information based on current guidelines. She also offers many free and low-cost virtual and in-person learning events, which you can find out about on her website.
Podcast Series & Episodes About Perimenopause, Menopause & Nutrition
The following are a few of my favourite podcast series and episodes that are related to perimenopause & menopause or are (in my opinion) helpful to hear in midlife.
Women’s Health Unplugged
This is a great podcast from Naturopathic Doctor Jordan Roberson from Ontario. There are many aspects of women’s health covered beyond the menopause transition. My favourite episodes include Not everything is perimenopause. What else could it be?, Should you be treating the “root cause” or treat your symptoms with bandaids?, and Why I won’t use the DUTCH test.
The Fatigue Fixer with Dr. Sarah Vadeboncoeur
A newer podcast from naturopathic doctor Sara Vadeboncoeur that focuses on all the things that make us tired in midlife – and what to do about it. I especially enjoyed The One Where Your Pants Don’t Fit and The One Where Sex Hurts and You Pee All The Time.
Additional Episodes
- Is menopause the beginning of the end? Body Stuff with Dr. Jen Gunter
- Menopause Q + A with Dr. Jen Gunter With All Due Respect! by Amanda Thebe
- You are not broken, in the bedroom or in life – with Dr Kelly Casperson With All Due Respect! by Amanda Thebe
Additional Perimenopause & Menopause-Related Resources
Bladder Health & Incontinence
- British Columbia Health Authority Continence Care Clinics (PDF)
- Cross Roads Bladder Health, Female Incontinence & Prolapse Clinic (Vancouver)
- The Canadian Continence Foundation
Bone Health
Brain Health
- Dense Breasts Canada
- Self-Refer Age 40 and up for Breast Cancer Screening & Mammography (British Columbia)
- Cervical Cancer Home Self-Screening Tests (British Columbia)
- Colon Cancer Screening Age 50 and up (British Columbia)
- Ovarian Cancer Information
- Uterine/Endometrial Cancer Information
Heart Health
- Heart & Stroke Foundation
- DASH Diet for Lowering Blood Pressure
- Mediterranean Diet
- Portfolio Diet
- Canadian Women’s Heart Health Centre
- Women Heart
Mental Health & Therapy
- Here to Help (Mental Health and Substance Use Information)
- Find a Therapist (British Columbia)
- Canadian Mental Health Association
- Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatment
Pelvic Floor Therapy & Education
- The Cheerful Pelvis (Vancouver)
- Envision Physiotherapy (Vancouver)
- Myodetox (Vancouver & Toronto)
- Treloar Physiotherapy Clinic (Vancouver)
- The Vagina Coach (Online Program & App)
Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI)
Sexual Health
- Dr. Lori Brotto (Tri-Cities BC Sexual Health Clinic)
- Sexual Support for Cancer Patients and Survivors (BC Cancer)
Trans Menopause
Vulvar Health
If you know of any resources that should be added here, please email me at